opt/gns3/images/IOU/i86bi_linux_l2-advipservicesk9-ms.jul圓_2015_team_track_dsgs_pi5 opt/gns3/images/IOU/i86bi_linux_l2-adventerprisek9-ms.nov3_2015_high_iron
opt/gns3/images/QEMU/vios-adventerprise-m.InternalUseOnly opt/gns3/images/QEMU/vios-adventerprise-m.3.InternalUseOnly opt/gns3/images/QEMU/Win7-lite-hda.qcow2 Each image have configured appliance in the GNS Settings:
The Configuration is still made from your machine, but the virtual appliances runs within the VM. That is either you use a remote server (and put the VM on ESX), or use a local VM with workstation / fusion. If you didn’t followed latest GNS News, they now provide a VM that can run QEMU, IOU, and other stuff, while being controlled from GNS3 GUI on your machine. For the remote VM, you will need to replace the Host, look for IP). GNS3 VMs for both ESX and Workstation along with GNS3 settngs to use.